Paperback or E-Reader?

E-Reader Vs. Paperback – The Big Book Debate

Ever since their entrance into the reading scene at the turn of the 21st century, E-Readers have been the subject of mixed opinions. From avid readers who champion the concept of a “modernised” reading experience, to diehard bookworms who treasure the contents of their bookshelves that are chocked full of previous reads: Everyone has weighed…

Book detection system

The Application of RFID Labels

As a means of conveyed electronically stored information, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) labels have many potential uses, making them a very versatile tool in a variety of different sectors. Using electromagnetic fields, RFID book tags contain readable information that can be used to track and identify an object, an animal and even a human being.…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


As 2017 draws to a close, we can reflect on another busy year of exciting installations and new business opportunities. In a time of continued budget reviews and limited resources in the library sector, we are proud to have helped so many establishments to improve their security and efficiency through our cost-effective solutions. We hope you…

24/7 library facilities

Is your Library really 24/7?

Oxford Brookes University came under fire in December for closing its facilities, including the library, following heavy snowfall. Whilst the university defended its position on the grounds of health and safety, many of the disgruntled students took to social media to air their opinions, often referring to the fees they have paid and entitlement to…

Looking at Libraries – The Library of Congress

101 Independence Avenue in Washington DC is home to the largest library in the world. With more than one-hundred and sixty-four million items – spanning bookshelves to the total of eight hundred and thirty-eight miles – The Library of Congress is a place of very high cultural and academic importance. Founded in 1800, this Library…

Where is your library going in 2018?

Where is your library going in 2018?

As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to take stock of your library provision and to plan ahead to ensure you are providing the best possible service for your students. James Breakell, UK Managing Director of D-Tech International, looks at the key areas for potential improvements. It is not that long…