
Annual Customer Satisfaction Figures Announced

D-Tech International is proud to announce a 95% customer satisfaction rating over the past 12 months. D-Tech reaches out for feedback from all customers upon receiving support in an attempt to maintain and improve an exceptional standard of customer care. Here are the results from 2019/20.   D-Tech Customer Satisfaction Performance Statistics 01.05.2019 to 31.04.2020 %…


Contactless Library Lending

Having closed their doors in March due to the Coronavirus pandemic, UK libraries remain closed until further notice. We asked the question; How will library services look when the doors re-open?   Social Distancing Measures The most obvious step is implementing social distancing in libraries, as we are now getting used to seeing in our…

serveIT library self service units at Plumstead Road

95 Unit Roll-Out Underway in Norfolk

D-Tech is delighted to show you the first installations in our roll-out of 95 new serveIT units to Norfolk CC Libraries. We’re excited to be delivering a new generation of technology to local library users. Plus, we think they look great!   On another note, with our Woodbridge Head Office based in Ipswich Town Football…