– On average 43% of libraries across America have implemented a mobile app
– With 69% of libraries having one
– On average 43% of libraries across America have implemented a mobile app
– With 69% of libraries having one
– Free-up library staff by helping to manage routine tasks
– Streamline services
– Prevent queues
– Enhance customer experience
But, do your research! Different apps have different capabilities and to get the most from a mobile service you need to make sure its tailored to your needs as a library…
– Account Checking (so patrons can check account information, including current loans, discover available reservations and pay any outstanding fines)
– Issue & Deactivate RFID Tags (For libraries that use RFID tags. Your new mobile library app needs NFC technology to allow patrons to issue and deactivate an RFID tag directly from their smartphone)
– Look into security features and make sure capabilities include preventing bugs and auto updates the software to ensure its safe and secure for your library and its patrons
At D-Tech we are specialists in serving libraries unique needs to ensure they continue to innovate in line with the rest of the world.
Our R&D team have invested a lot of time into ensuring our new app has industry-leading capabilties
First and foremost, appIT utilises new NFC technology to allow patrons to issue and deactivate an RFID tag directly from their smartphone, or other NFC-enabled device–the only app on the market with this functionality.
We are excited to bring the new version of appIT to libraries and patrons across the world, including a NEW onboarding process and updated renewal functionality. With its wide range of features and additional capabilities, appIT truly delivers the streamlined experience you and your patrons strive for.